

Here is a large picture of the children of the dead which is actually demons. They are kids but I was told that lily is in that picture. I was wrong about the ghosts there are also demons in the old school area. I hearded something that didn't sound like human when I was standing at the middle of the old school are. You'll find informations below but about ghosts but there actually demons too. Just look at the picture above you can see three ghosts which are actually demons.
heres the picture of the old school and school portables. The picture is just old so somethings changed
This the above picture above this one with te face showing  is the old JR Nakogee school  it is now gone because it was demolished which pissed off Intha plus the children of te dead

I was wrong about this information the ghosts are demons but I believe that there are some ghosts in the old school area because the demons and ghost children are attracted to kids. If you look at my first picture way above the first one you can see is a boy and the one behind the boy is lily she says but I think shes a demon. I actually saw lilys face and she had anime eyes and shes white ghostly white. I mean all white ghostly even the clothes skin and eyes but she doesn't seem scary at all shes just like a little kid but more annopying and she keeps saying its mine. There must be atleast some ghosts in the old school area but I also believe there are demons in the area of that old school area.
The above picture is where I took a picture of a white ghost. It was between the old school and high school vezina area. This picture was taken in 2008 winter. Also I have taken an unexpecting picture of Inthalexious. There was actually a connection between Intha and the shadow adult which is a shadow ghost. Intha was pissed when they demolished the old school in 2009 and almost three lives where lost but only two. The first target was Brendon kioke and the second was the dehydrated guy then the third was my moms boy friend. But my moms boy friend was saved. And the two others that was in the frozen river. Before this happened there was a ghost attack after the old school was destroyed. But it wasn`t the shadow adult. The shadow adult was a watcher of the children of the dead and also must be a teacher. The children of the dead was the attackers because they liked the old school and they were pissed off. They made people sick. They had to evac but they couldn`t because the testing yube saud it was safe but it was. It was the ghosts that made the problem worst. For some reason the shadow adult did not stop the community people from demolishing the old school. I believe that the shadow adukt was a different plan.é And I`m guessing its the new school it will haunt. The ghosts and the shadow adults plus his shadow ghosts must be responsible for the old school closing down. The old school was closed down in 2000. The reason for this is because they the people working and going to school were getting sick. Because of the toxic spill under the old school area. But not just the old school the school portables. Now at the time of the two bears that escaped in 2007 me and some of my classmates went in the old school but before we went in one of my classmates saw someones hand that was ghostly white. But still we went in. I was going in the old school for pictures I wanted to take. I also wanted to take pictures of ghost which was insane of me because there was a Demon there I believe it to be. I never saw the demon but I know there must be a demon be cause in the old areas there were atleast one demon. I've been putting alot of things together and found so much unbelievable informations and disturbing to others. Now what I do is that I invite ghosts in to my house to put them in a better place but they only have to choose. The old school seemed mainly where the children of the dead are hanging around. They succeeded of get riding of the living they might some how try to do the same thing again with the new school or not. Blessing the area won't help because the Demons and Ghost will be pissed. When my classmates went in the old school all six of us were taking pictures and couldn't get anything at all. So we decided to try next day still nothing. So one day I was walking around in 2008 I think. The children of the living came up to me and asked me to see the Ghosts in the old school. It was night time at the time. The kids I just ignored and was about to walk away but before I was out of sight they saw the children of the dead. So they ran to me and told me they saw the red ghost. RED GHOST which I was surprised by because there weren't supposed to look like that but theyn are because I've taken the pictures of those red ghosts but I just realized it was a trick. I took a picture of these type of Ghosts through a mirror in one of the rest rooms. I learned how this stuff worked and why it is haunted by children and the shadow adult plus the Demons. So when those kids were seeing those ghosts I watched ad saw nothing which made me wonder why did the kids saw them. So I learened that these Children of the dead are only attracted to childrens. There were also teens the age of 13 or 12 and 11 but there are also younger ones. One of the kids described alittlke girl coloring the name that had fat letters enough to color in the black board. I saw the black board that said IVAN with large letters and fat ones. But it was colored. So I figured that there was a teacher named Ivan. 2007 was when I was very drawn to the old school. My cousins and friends went to the old school and wanted to see what it looks like. So they did but they also saw ghosts which looked like childrens 13 and lower aged ghosts. But my cousins described them as white and shadowy ghosts. Just like Inalexes the shadow creature. Now theres also been deaths in the old school areas. The first child that died was by alot of dogs the second from what I heard died in the school portables. Now the children of the dead were also been seeing a few times during day time. Me I took pictures but couldn't get alot because my cameras and memory card was destroyed by what ut seems accidental but it isn't. I realized that some how the shadowy ghosts I started getting was responsible for my cameras and memory cards being destroyed. In 2007 I've invited a ghost or ghosts into my house and it made me make sure it entered into my house. Ever since I've invited the Ghost or Ghosts there were some supernatural activities occuring but it was unnoticeable to my family. I've kept an eye on whats going on in my house or any place I live in.

The pictures below is where the homeless people lives in. My mother also lives in that building.

A hall way of the portable trailor.

This is the inside of the portable trailor.

a picture of the attawapiskat tower

A picture of the church in side