Attawapiskat is one of the most supernatural communities ever and still is unnoticeable to many others. The community Attawapiskat is haunted the community even has Demons in Attawapiskat. Let my explain why its haunt why the community Attawapiskat is haunted. I found some informations about the past in Attawapiskat and in grade 8 2008 I finally learned that there was a ver large grave yard where the community is. Along time ago there were indians that had a rule that the kids would get whip if they didn't go to school. Also those kids that was whip committed suicide by hanging them selves. The reason why the hang them selves is because they still felt pain. Now they still felt pain while hanging them self. The kids felt pain for months. They couldn't sleep. So thats a really bad history in their lives. But they also had a slow painful death. And today they are now spirits in Attawapiskat haunting schools mostly from what I've noticed. Another thing why its haunted is the grave yard they moved. I read that there were around 20000 boidys burried where Attawapiskat was. So the community Attawapiskat is cursed. Also many different types of spirits or supernatural creatures will come to Attawapiskat or around out side of Attawapiskat. The shape shifter, the creature spotted in 2003, the were wolf, the headless guy, Inthalexious, Shador, haunted schools, the Demons and so on. Attawapiskat is one of the greatest supernatural areas I've been in but Kashechewan is entirely different. In kashechewan my grand mother said to me Satan was spotted in Kashechewan in a very attractive humanly form. But she said in in cree. Now alot has happened in Attawapiskat that I've noticed. Also from what my cousin told me Jerry JR he said that he saw a girl with yellow skin not really yellow like yellowish white. The girl had white plastic gloves and had claws like how a cat would show its claws. The girl was wearing white hood plus big round classes. This seems like something not from the community. But it was spotted in the old school I hearded my cousin said. So it has to be a ghost or something. I'll read this part later in the ghost stories page 2. Now I learned that I think I'm of of the curses attraction (page 2). There are alot of wrong things the community did which pissed off the ghosts in the school areas so the guardians stopped doing things for most of us but only they do things for elders this is on page 2.
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