
The psychics

Okay I only hear telepathic psychics. Psychics that are mind readers. But there are two psychic that are diffferent from other psychics. The voices I hear are also psychics and demons. I hear this one psychic that sees the future I called him tedd or todd because I don't know his real name. Tedd or todd lives in kashechewan and the other psychic in attawapiskat is like tedd or todd and this psychic is the one that tells me satan will kill me but I believe thats a demon talking because hes been saying that for days past two weeks now. I also learned that tedd has the same vision that satan will kill me. Tedd just warns me when danger comes my way. But he lied about the plane and me becoming blind. But tedd or todd warns me that if I use my eyes I'll become blind for good. But I have little evidence that hes just a demon. And those other psychics from kashechewan are also demons which explains why they say that they keep getting busy lines. The psychics tells me to repent too. Tedd or todd says that I'll burn in hell and They say I didn't repent right. They psychics in kashechewan also try calling the police but they said they kept getting busyline so did the psychics in attawapikat. There are also evidence that the psychic like tedd or todd is a demon. There is also the psychic like tedd girlfriend trying to convince me that satan will kill me and they scream to saying  Thats what you sound like. They also say I sound the same as those too psychics. The psychic from attawapiskat said thats not tedd or todd they are just demons. But I believe both those two psychics in attawapiskat and kashechewan are just demons messing with me. Some of the psychics tells me to repent or you'll burn in hell even the demon I encountered with in october 25 2010 said that I'll burn in hell. thats it for this one.

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